Enlisted personnel in the armed forces need to make a conscious effort to safeguard their name, rank and honor while serving as active duty members. If you are faced with any kind of criminal accusations, UCMJ violations, misconduct or if any kind of disciplinary action is taken against you (board hearing, court martial), you need to immediately contact an experienced military criminal defense attorney to represent your case.
An experienced and well-qualified Fort Huachuca military criminal defense attorney can help protect your rank, reputation and military career. Criminal Defense attorney, Joseph L. Jordan is one of the most well-known names in the United States as far as military criminal defense is concerned. He is fully committed to offering aggressive representation of the client's case at all times.
Fort Huachuca is led by the United States Army Installation Management Command and is a United States Army installation. It is situated approximately 24 km on the north side of the border adjoining Mexico in Sierra Vista, Arizona. The fort served as the base unit for the "Buffalo Soldiers" for almost 20 years starting 1913.
More than 25,000 people and several WACs took shelter at the fort during the Second World War. The population of Fort Huachuca in 2010 constituted approximately 6,500 active soldiers, 5,000 civilians and 7,400 family members.
The Army Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) headquarters are also located at Fort Huachuca. Other agencies at the fort include ISEC or the Information Systems Engineering Command and Joint Interoperability Test Command among others.
In 1976, Fort Huachuca was given the honor of being a National Historic Landmark. Flight training exercises were conducted by the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment at Fort Huachuca in 1980. This was done to get ready for Operation Honey Badger. The objective of this project was to try and get back American personnel who had been held captive in Iran. This was the second attempt at the rescue after the failure of Operation Eagle Claw's failure.
Fort Huachuca was recently in the news for facing a dangerous threat from the nation itself. The unfavorable requirements of appropriation along with the reckless budget cut decisions undertaken by the Congress in the year 2011 are putting pressure on the American Army to possibly reduce the number of active service personnel. This has not been done since the Pearl Harbor attack. The reduction at Fort Huachuca does not make much sense as it is the centre for developing advanced technology and imparting excellent intelligence training.
In the worst-case scenario, the Army might be experiencing a cut-down of 256,100 personnel. As far as Fort Huachuca is concerned, there could be a possible removal of close to 2,700 civilian and military service members.
Apart from the United States Army Intelligence Center, the 111th Military Intelligence Brigade is also located at Fort Huachuca. This brigade undertakes MOS-based training and conducts Military Intelligence (MI) for the armed forces.
The installation also the teaching of courses such as the MICCC or Military Intelligence Captain's Career Course and the Military Intelligence Officer Basic Leadership Course.
Texas based attorney, Joseph L. Jordan has worked to represent military personnel across the United States at different establishments apart from also rendering his experienced legal services abroad.
He holds a strong reputation of successful representation of his clients which can be owed to his eleven years of experience serving in the US Army. From there he gets the distinct advantage of being civilian military defense counsel.
He has comprehensive knowledge with regards to dealing with various kinds of criminal accusations, misconduct, UCMJ violations and can guide you clearly and correctly through the entire representation process. Contact our firm today for the defense you need.