Tasha Carnahan served in the U.S. Army as a paralegal for seven years. For the majority of her career, she assisted attorneys that advised commanders on all levels of military justice. Thus giving her the insight and first-hand knowledge to the administration and decision making process of the military justice system.
Tasha served at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, Fort Cavazos (Fort Hood), Texas and in two combat tours to Iraq. During her service, Tasha was awarded with a Distinguished Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, four Army Accommodation Medals, Joint Service Accommodation Medal, and five Army Achievement Medals.
- Legal Secretary, Arthur Green, LLP, Manhattan, Kansas – 2011 to 2012
- Paralegal, Notary, & Court Reporter, U.S Army – 2004 to 2011.
Bachelor of Arts, Paralegal Studies, College of Mount Saint Joseph, Cincinnati, Ohio
- Graduated Cum Laude
Military Education:
- Certificate, Court Reporter, U.S. Army, The Judge Advocate General's School, Charlottesville, VA, 2009
- Diploma, Paralegal, U.S. Army, Adjutant General School, Fort Jackson, South Carolina 2004
- Member of National Paralegal Honor Society, 2012