Pandering charges refer to inducing, enticing, or procuring an act of prostitution. Although pandering may seem an inconsequential act, especially in foreign countries where prostitution may be legal or tolerated, it is a serious military crime that poses serious penalties. If you or someone you know is a service member facing allegations for pandering, working with an experienced military criminal defense lawyer should be your first priority.

Pandering is a violation of Article 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Under Article 134, service members may be charged if they commit an act of prostitution or patronize a prostitute. Each charge has certain elements prosecutors must prove to gain a conviction. These include:


  • The accused person had sexual intercourse with another person who is not their spouse;
  • Sexual intercourse was had for the purpose of receiving money or compensation;
  • The act was wrongful; and
  • The conduct was a discredit to the armed forced or was the prejudice of good order and discipline.

Patronizing a Prostitute

  • The accused service member had sexual intercourse with someone who is not their spouse;
  • Sexual intercourse for money was induced, enticed, or procured by the service member;
  • The act was wrongful; and
  • The service member's conduct was of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces or was the prejudice of good order and discipline.

In some situations, pandering offenses may be charged under the new Article 120, including pandering that was "compelled," as well as pandering by arranging or receiving consideration for arranging sexual intercourse.

Joseph L. Jordan, Attorney at Law is prepared to represent service members from all branches of the armed forces facing pandering charges. If you would like to discuss your case and learn more about the penalties at stake, call (866) 624-7503 today.