Understanding the MINOR Act

If a juvenile commits sexual assault against another minor on a military installation, who has the jurisdiction to prosecute? The federal government has exclusive legislative jurisdiction on many military installations because these are considered federal properties. As a result, local prosecutors lack the legal authority to apply state juvenile delinquency laws to minors living on … Read more

What to Do If Falsely Accused of Military Sexual Assault

The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) is a strict and complex system governing the lives of United States service members. Accusations of military sexual assault under Article 120 of the UCMJ can devastate your career and reputation. While being falsely accused is a distressing experience, it’s crucial to keep a level head. If you’re … Read more

Caaf Approves Rehearing For U.s. V. Frost Child Sexual Assault Case

The United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (CAAF) has decided to reverse the outcome of the Army child sexual assault case of U.S. v. Frost and authorize a rehearing. During the case, the defense asserted that the alleged child victim had been improperly influenced by her mother into testifying against Frost. It was argued … Read more

Why Does the Military Have its Own Court System?

The military has stood as a unique entity for centuries, with its own rules, regulations, and even a distinct court system. But why? While the idea of having a separate court for service members might appear unnecessary at first, understanding its historical underpinning, current relevance, and future importance paints a clear picture. Are you a … Read more

Can Military Members Date Each Other?

All branches of the U.S. military have rules regarding friendships, business associations, dating, and marriage among service members of different ranks and positions. Not all contact between officers and their subordinates is prohibited, and the goal is not to dissuade service members from having interpersonal relationships. Rather, the regulations are intended to prevent compromising order, … Read more

Can Military Members Take a Plea Agreement?

Signing a plea agreement.

A plea agreement, also called a plea bargain or pretrial agreement, is when a defendant agrees to plead guilty to some or all the charges in exchange for a lesser punishment. This may include lowering the charge to something less severe or reducing the sentence. Plea agreements also sometimes require the defendant to testify against … Read more

Do Military Members Have First Amendment Rights?

U.S. military service members have always operated under different rules than civilians. The military’s special system of laws—known as the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)—employs its own regulations for prosecuting and punishing violators, which often includes a court-martial. Many military crimes are not punishable under civilian law, and the rights of military service members … Read more

How a DUI Affects Your Military Career

DUI Article 111

Military service members often spend much of their days operating vehicles, aircraft, and vessels. They are expected to control these machines responsibly and safely. Failure to do so could result in a criminal charge. Drinking and driving—whether on base in a military craft or off base in a personal vehicle—is a violation of Article 111 … Read more