Aggressive Military Defense Lawyer Representing Servicemembers at Fort Cavazos (Fort Hood) Against Article 120 Sexual Assault Charges

As a service member, youve sacrificed so much for your country. If you suddenly find yourself facing military criminal charges you deserve to have someone in your corner. Attorney joseph l. Jordan is proud to aggressively defend military members who have been accused of article 120, article 120a, article 120b, and article 120c sexual assault criminal charges.
Mr. Jordan has litigated over 225 cases to a decision. With so much experience in a courtroom defending military members against sexual assault charges, hes the best person to call. If youre stationed at fort hood in killeen, texas, or any other base around the world, attorney joseph l. Jordan needs to be your only call. Let the right representation clear your name.
Proven UCMJ Attorney Who Has Served His Country
Joseph l. Jordan is a former army enlisted soldier, army combat arms officer, and army judge advocate generals (jag) corps officer. His first-hand experience in the army is all he needs to understand how important it is to protect your rank from any charges, not just article 120, article 120a, article 120b, and article 120c.
While he was serving in the army as a jag officer, he learned how the system works. Mr. Jordan knows the ins and outs of the daily life of a military member. His active-duty service gave him access to strategies and methods that the prosecution routinely uses.
Joseph l. Jordan is proud to stand behind the men and women who serve our country. If youre facing criminal charges under the ucmj you need a winning lawyer to fight for you. Let his experience defending both sides work in your favor. Over 90% of the cases hes defended in the last 11 years have been article 120 sexual assault charges. He knows how to win.
If you are a soldier, sailor, marine, airman, or coast guardsman, you can trust your case to attorney joseph l. Jordan.
Fort Cavazos (Fort Hood) and other Military Bases
Attorney joseph l. Jordan operates out of central texas, where fort hood is located. Fort hood is the largest base in the world. Mr. Jordan and his team are very accessible to the soldiers and servicemembers of the fort hood, texas area. Even if youre not stationed at fort hood, youre only a flight away.
There are 14 other bases in texas alone, aside from fort hood. Regardless of where youre stationed if youre facing article 120, 120a, 120b, or 120c charges you need a lawyer with the experience and winning record on your side. These charges can ruin both your military and civilian careers.
If youre stationed at fort hood or any other base worldwide and youre in need of a winning defense lawyer theres only one person to call: joseph l. Jordan. He has litigated over 225 cases to a decision and won cases at every base in texas. Dont let the prosecution destroy your life without a fair fight. Call joseph l. Jordan today to start your winning defense.

Get experienced Legal Counsel at Fort Cavazos (Fort Hood)
Joseph l. Jordan has the experience you need to protect your rank and rights. As a fort hood court-martial attorney, mr. Jordan is no stranger to defending service members against article 120 charges. He has significant experience defending members who have been accused of sexual assault by multiple victims. No case is too big or too small. You deserve to have the best fighting for you.
Over 90% of his cases are related to article 120 sexual assault charges. The military is constantly under pressure from the public to aggressively prosecute cases of sexual assault. Joseph l. Jordan and his team are on the cutting edge of new and breaking changes in sexual assault defenses regarding military cases. He has significant experience in defending all manners of article 120 cases which puts him in the best position to defend you against alleged charges.
Article 120, 120a, 120b, and 120c Sexual Assault Charges
Under ucmj, article 120a statute defines rape, aggravated sexual assault, aggravated sexual contact, and abusive sexual contact. Article 120b rape is the most serious charge since it relates to sexual acts with a minor. Article 120c charges pertain to other sexual misconduct.
Our firm has significant experience defending against
- multiple accusers
- child sexual assault allegations
- spousal sexual assault allegations
- alcohol-related sexual assault allegations
- barracks sexual assault allegations
- sexual assault allegations at an administrative separation board
- sexual assault allegations at boards of inquiry
the majority of cases that joseph l. Jordan defends are related to sexual assault charges, over 90%. If you find yourself facing article 120, article 120a, article 120b or article 120c charges mr. Jordan needs to be your first call. His proven winning record speaks for itself. Hes successfully defended cases at every military base in texas. If you or someone you love is in need of an experienced and proven military defense lawyer look no further than joseph l. Jordan.
Hire the Services of an Experienced Article 120 Defense Attorney
Joseph l. Jordan, attorney at law brings a unique insight into the other side paired with his years of experience defending and winning court-martial cases under ucmj. He and his team understand the stakes. We know whats on the line and we stop at nothing to clear your name of all charges.
Article 120, article 120a, article 120b, and article 120c charges are serious and need to be handled with skill and excellence. Joseph l. Jordan knows what it takes to win: seasoned, experienced, and hard-hitting advocacy. You need convincing and compelling arguments delivered with seasoned skills that challenge every aspect of the prosecutions case. We work with some of the best forensic experienceds available to prove your innocence. Youve defended the country, now let us defend you.