The minute you come under investigation the first thing you should be doing is picking up the phone and securing an attorney. The reason why is because you could stumble into some very serious mistakes. You could start making statements to investigators or members of your chain of command that could be averse to you and you just don’t wanna do that. Pick up the phone, I can explain to you what your rights are and help you walk you thru the process. It could be three months, it could be 2 years. Its gonna take a lot so strap up, get ready. The first thing that could potentially happen to you is they’re gonna want to interrogate you to try to get a statement from you. Now a lot of service member don’t understand is, they have rights under Article 32 bravo they have the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney. They’re going to investigate the case then they’re gonna decide whether they charge. If they decided to charge you with an offense, the next step is what’s called the preliminary hearing. After the preliminary hearing the results of the preliminary hearing go up to the convening authority, which is usually the first commanding general or admiral in your chain of command and he’ll decide whether or not the case should move forward to trial. So, if they’re under investigation we do encourage clients to bring a [inaudible] because sometimes we can shape that decision in their favor based on how we approach the investigation. Cuz what we can start doing is intervie
